Orkney gears up for motorcycle safety course

A training scheme aimed at reducing the number of collisions involving motorcyclists is to be held in Orkney next month.
The Rider Refinement North one-day course is run by Police Scotland, along with road safety partners, and will take place in the county on Sunday, September 17.
The course, which is the only one of its kind in Scotland, aims to support motorcyclists to ride responsibly and reduce the number of collisions — saving lives on our roads.
Previous courses received positive feedback from riders who changed their riding style and improved their skills as a result.
Inspector David Hall, who is based at Kirkwall Police Station, said: “Unfortunately, Orkney has had its fair share of tragedy on the roads and that includes motorcyclist fatalities or those left with life-changing injuries.
“We would certainly encourage all motorcyclists to give this course a go – nothing to lose and lots to gain.
“While motorcyclists are not in control of other driver behaviour, they can use this course to equip themselves with all the tools possible to try and make every outing a safe one.”
More on the course in next week’s edition of The Orcadian.