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Orkney Leg of Queen’s Baton Relay – route announced

The route that the Glasgow 2014 Queen’s Baton relay will take when it comes to Orkney, on July 10, has been announced.

The relay will travel through Stromness, Skara Brae, Dounby, Finstown, Kirkwall, Holm, St Marys and St Margaret’s Hope. The names of the local baton bearers will be announced on March 31.

Orkney Islands Council and its partner agencies have been finalising arrangements for the relay and planning a series of events to celebrate its arrival.  A recruitment drive was recently launched to find an army of local volunteers and stewards to help out on the day.

“We look forward to the baton’s time in the county after its epic worldwide journey,” said Orkney Islands Council Convener Steven Heddle.

“The visit of the Olympic Torch to the county was a momentous occasion for the county and the Baton Relay is shaping up to be bigger and better. It will arrive on July 10 and leave Orkney the following day and, during its time here, will travel through a number of communities across the Mainland and linked South Isles. I hope that people from right across the county will join the celebrations in the run-up to the Commonwealth Games.”

If you would like to volunteer to be a steward on the day then please contact the council’s education, leisure and housing service on 873535.