Orkney pupils leading the way in Japanese skills

Kirkwall Grammar School welcomed some important visitors from Japan yesterday, including two senior representatives from the Japanese Government.
The Japanese visitors saw Orkney’s efforts to introduce Japanese language and culture to its pupils, which has seen Kirkwall Grammar leading the way in Scotland in offering timetabled Japanese classes, while pupils at Stromness Academy have been offered Japanese lessons during their Friday afternoon “activities” sessions.
The county’s efforts caught the eye of the Japan Foundation, Japan’s foremost cultural exchange and language body, which subsequently provided grants to both schools for teaching materials.
A group of pupils from the Kamaishi Super Science School visited the school alongside Mr Tomoki Akazawa, from the Japan Foundation, and Mr Kengo Sawai, who is vice-consul General of Japan.
According to the OIC, plans are well under way to offer the project to primary schools and to develop student and cultural exchanges.
Meanwhile, in response to the increased importance being given at national level to relations between Japan and Scotland, the Scottish Government has set up a working group to look at officially introducing Japanese classes into the Scottish Curriculum.