Orkney takes the crown for children’s dental health

Orkney is leading the way for schoolchildren’s dental health, according to a new NHS survey.
The National Dental Inspection Programme’s 2017 report, published this week, measured the tooth condition of P7 children across Scotland.
It showed that 90.4 per cent had no obvious tooth decay in Orkney, against a nationwide average of only 77.1 per cent. Shetland also ranked highly, with 89.3 per cent of schoolchildren showing no obvious tooth decay.
Highlands and Islands MSP Jamie Halcro Johnston has welcomed these results.
“The local dentists and the island health boards are to be congratulated for these continued positive results, showing that dental health among young people in our islands is the best in Scotland – and well exceeding national targets,” he said.
“Parents and schools also have a key role to play in encouraging good dental health and ensuring healthy diets. Good outcomes at a young age are shown to last a lifetime, leading to positive behaviours in the future.”