Orkney tugs in Shetland operation

(Picture: Ian Leask)
The three Orkney Towage tugs which travelled up to Shetland on Monday to assist with a major marine engineering project have been in action last night, through to today, as the project progresses.
The Einar, Erlend and Harald, operated by Orkney Towage, steamed north from Orkney on Monday, arriving in Lerwick later the same day.
The tugs are playing a key role in an operation involving the movement of a large steel oil storage tank which arrived in Shetland onboard the heavy-transport vessel Xiang Yun Kou.
Within the last 24 hours the Xiang Yun Kou moved to an anchorage not far from Lerwick and ballasted down for the tank to be floated off the deck of the vessel. The three Orkney tugs are assisting with this complex part of the operation.
The tank is due to be installed west of Shetland as part of Premier Oil’s development of the Solan field.