
Cruise Arrivals


Our lifeline service must be restored without delay — McArthur

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur highlighted concerns in the Scottish Parliament yesterday, Tuesday, about the continued absence of a replacement vessel on the lifeline Stromness-Scrabster route.

In response, the transport minister indicated that a freight vessel would be deployed on the route in “the coming days” while the search continued for a more suitable replacement for the Hamnavoe, which suffered serious engine failure at the end of last week.

Speaking yesterday, Mr McArthur said: “With each passing day, anger is growing amongst people in Orkney over this issue. Serious questions are being asked about the lack of an effective contingency plan and delays by Serco in putting in place alternative arrangements on this lifeline route.

“The minister’s confirmation today that a freight vessel is to be deployed later this week offers some relief, but this is a stop gap measure and does not diminish the need to find a more suitable replacement as a matter of urgency.  It is also not clear why the freighter could not have been deployed much sooner.

“Orkney remains open for business, but businesses and passengers are being affected by the continued absence of a vessel on the Stromness-Scrabster route.  This is our lifeline service and must be restored without further delay.”