OutReach4CLAN £10,000 total reached — but it doesn’t stop there . . .

Nearly £12,000 has been raised for The Orcadian’s OutReach4CLAN campaign, as the £10,000 target was smashed at a prize bingo event last night.
The Orcadian and CLAN joined forces in August to fund training for additional support volunteers, provide more therapies and classes/group work, and to be able to develop the charity’s outreach programme across Mainland Orkney and to the islands.
A huge number of donations had already been received by the generous Orkney public, and money raised at last weekend’s Orktoberfest took the total to over £8,000.
Last night, newspaper staff, friends and family hosted a prize bingo night in the Kirkwall branch of the Royal British Legion. The hugely successful event raised around £3,250.
The fundraising effort does not stop there though. The campaign runs until December 2, and donations can still be made here
In addition, tickets for our MASSIVE Prize Draw are still available from The Orcadian Bookshop and The Orcadian Print Centre.
The Orcadian wishes to thank the businesses and individuals who supplied prizes for last night’s bingo and raffle event, as well as Lee Inkster who put a spooky spin on the event as bingo caller, and the Kirkwall Legion for having us. Grateful thanks also to everyone who has supported the OutReach4CLAN campaign so far in any way.