Papdale Nursery closed due to COVID-related staff shortage

Papdale Nursery has been closed this Friday, due to a shortage of staffing in relation to COVID and other sickness.
The temporary closure is expected to continue into next Monday, February 14.
Nursery manager, Caroline Easton, said positive COVID cases and the need for isolation due to others becoming symptomatic had led to the unavoidable decision to close. Parents were notified on Wednesday afternoon.
Ms Easton said: “We recognise that this is incredibly frustrating for parents who rely on childcare within the nursery, but we have reached the position where closure is unavoidable given the reduced staffing available.
“As I’m sure you will appreciate this is a fast-moving situation, but I will continue to update parents of any changes as timely as is possible.
“As always we will work through all contingencies to see how a reopening can be managed safely. We thank you for your patience and understanding during these trying times.”
All COVID-related situations within schools and nurseries are reviewed on a daily basis by the inter-disciplinary team which includes representatives of NHS Orkney Public Health, the Council’s Education Service, Environmental Health, Safety and Resilience, and affected schools and nurseries.
These authorities say it is vital that everyone continues to carry out twice-weekly lateral flow tests and to report the results, where negative, positive or void online here:
Self-isolating when you are asked to is the best way to prevent the spread of the virus. It’s very important that you stay at home (self-isolate) if:
- you have symptoms of COVID – they include continuous cough, temperature, loss of smell or taste, or flu-like symptoms such as sore head or aching bones;
- you’ve had a positive LFD or PCR test result;
- you’ve been told to self-isolate because you’re a close contact of a positive case.
More information is available from