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Council launch performance reporting survey

Orkney Islands Council is looking for feedback on the way it provides information on its performance as a local authority.

To assist with this, the council has launched a public performance reporting survey.

According to the OIC, the responses received will help determine how much interest there is in this type of information and whether the way it is currently presented needs to be changed or improved.

Gillian Morrison, executive director of corporate services, said: “Like other local authorities in Scotland, the council is required to make information on its performance available to the public.

“We want to make sure we are providing the information people are looking for – and that we are doing this in ways that are interesting and informative.

“We are looking for feedback on how we currently provide this type of information and how people would like us to provide it in future.”

A range of performance information can be found by following a link from the Popular Content section of the homepage at www.orkney.gov.uk

The survey can be completed online at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/27DXPRT

Paper copies are available from OIC Customer Services and the Orkney Library in Kirkwall and from the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness.

These should be returned to the Administrative Support Manager, Corporate Services, Orkney Islands Council, Council Offices, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NY.

The survey runs until 3pm on Friday, July 15.