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Petitioners disappointed with Carmichael verdict

The petitioners in the case against Alistair Carmichael have expressed their disappointment with the verdict, stating the case had been won on the “slimmest of legal technicalities”.

An initial statement from the four Orkney constituents — Timothy Morrison, Cary Welling, Fiona Grahame and Euphemia Matheson — who plan to hold a media briefing later this afternoon, said they had won two of the three legal issues in dispute.

“The case has been lost on the slimmest of legal technicalities,” they said.

“It is more of a loss for Alistair Carmichael than a win.

“To appreciate the true tenor of the judgement the full transcript should be read.

“We are disappointed but see the win as caveated by damning comments on Mr Carmichael’s behaviour by the judges.”

To view the judges’ full determination click here.