Polling stations open for European election

Voting in the European Parliament election is under way today, with polling stations closing at 10pm.
According to the OIC, because some member countries do not hold the election until May 25, local votes will be stored securely until they are counted this Sunday, with the results announced later the same day.
The national results will be announced on Monday, May 26.
The United Kingdom will have 73 MEPs. Scotland is one of 12 electoral regions in the UK and will have six MEPs.
Returning officer for the election and chief executive of Orkney Islands Council, Alistair Buchan, said: “The election today is an important electoral event, and we’d encourage as many people as possible to vote.
“We’d remind people that postal votes can be accepted at any polling station in Orkney before 10pm tonight.”
- Voters in Stromness are being reminded that their polling station for this election will be in the council’s customer services office in the NorthLink Ferry Terminal building.