• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Promoting Outdoor Orkney

This weekend, shoppers at Tesco in Kirkwall will be greeted by the new branding and promotion of Orkney’s environmental group — Outdoor Orkney.

Formerly OCEAN, the group consists of representatives from the county’s natural history and archaeological interests; and members meet quarterly to share ideas and interests and especially to promote activities to stimulate interest among all residents and visitors.

Last year, members collaborated to produce a full-coloured pocket guide to 30 different “Outdoor Orkney” hotspots on the Mainland and islands — these are free, and will be available at the display.

They will be armed with leaflets — all free — to tempt shoppers into Orkney’s great outdoors during the coming months, and giving away bookmarks that carry a reminder of the new website address — www.outdoororkney.com.

Also today, Saturday, April 21, they have organised birdwatching sessions, at 11am, 2pm and 4pm, at the Peerie Sea boating hut.