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Proposed new guidance for ‘Housing in the Countryside’ and ‘Energy’

Newly updated planning guidance for housing in Orkney’s rural areas and energy has been published by Orkney Islands Council today, for a public consultation.

Feedback on the two documents can be provided until February 2, 2017 – a seven week consultation period to take into account the Christmas holidays.

The ‘Housing in the Countryside’ supplementary guidance outlines the Council’s proposed approach to single houses and new housing clusters in the countryside. Key aims are to enable housing opportunities while protecting productive farmland, and Orkney’s unique landscape.

The ‘Energy’ supplementary guidance provides guidance for balancing impacts of energy developments – including heat networks, energy from waste, district heating, fuel and energy storage and all renewable energy including onshore wind energy – with economic and other positive impacts.

OIC Planning Manager Stuart West said: “The supplementary guidance details how planning applications involving energy or housing in the countryside will be considered and determined by the Council once the emerging Local Development Plan is adopted.

“These are always matters of great interest in the community, so through this consultation we’d encourage people to look at the updated guidance we’re publishing in draft form, and get in touch with their views and ideas.”

The Supplementary Guidance are consultative drafts. After the consultation period ends, all comments will be fully considered – feedback received will shape the final versions presented to Elected Members for their consideration and approval. The documents would then form part of Orkney’s next Local Development Plan, due to be considered by Councillors early in the new year.

The documents can be viewed on the Council website, www.orkney.gov.uk/Council/C/Consultations-and-Engagements.htm, from December 15, at the Council’s Customer Services office and the Orkney Library and Archive in Kirkwall, and at the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness.

Feedback on the draft policies should be submitted via email to devplan@orkney.gov.uk or in writing addressed to the Planning Manager (Development and Marine Planning), Orkney Islands Council, School Place, Kirkwall KW151NY. To speak to a member of the Team about these consultations call 01856 873535 ex 2531 or email devplan@orkney.gov.uk. (The Council Offices are closed from December 23 2016 and will re-open on January 3, 2017.)