• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Proposed winter service timetable supports the isles

Isles communities are set to receive a better air service this winter, following a number of measures recommended by the OIC’s development and infrastructure committee.

The proposed timetable includes an additional flight to Papa Westray on Friday afternoons, so Kirkwall Grammar School pupils arrive home earlier for the weekend. The flight, which leaves at 2pm, would free up space on the later afternoon service for other people travelling to the island for the weekend.

There are also changes planned to Monday morning flights from Papay, North Ronaldsay and Eday, and an additional morning flight from Papay, to help ensure pupils from those communities arrive at KGS in time for first lessons. The additional flight would allow more seats for other residents wanting to come to the mainland on Monday mornings.

North Ronaldsay will continue to receive more dedicated flights to increase capacity on that route.

Additional flights will operate on Saturdays for Westray, Sanday, Stronsay and Eday during the ferry refit period, so that a day return journey between the Mainland and those isles will still be possible.

The recommendations will be considered at the next full council meeting.