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Reminder to over 75’s in Orkney to claim free TV licence

As Christmas approaches, TV Licensing and Age Scotland are reminding those in Orkney reaching the landmark birthday of 75 in the next 12 months, that they are entitled to claim a free TV Licence.

Budgeting can become more challenging as you get older and so TV Licensing has made it easier than ever to apply for the free over 75 licence.

Anyone aged 75 or over can claim a free TV Licence for their main address and over 4 million people across the UK already enjoy the benefits of the concession. Currently 671 people in Orkney have an over 75 licence.

Fergus Reid, spokesperson for TV Licensing, said: “If you’re approaching 75 or have already enjoyed your 75th birthday then it’s quick and easy to apply for your free TV Licence at www.tvlicensing.co.uk/over75info

“Alternatively you can call our customer service centre on 0300 790 6073 and they will be able to help you through the application.

“It’s also important to remember the free licence is not granted automatically so anybody who becomes eligible needs to make sure they apply by calling 0300 790 6073. In addition, if you live with someone aged over 75, their free licence will cover all viewing in the property, meaning you could also benefit, whatever your age.”