Renovation of Scapa Flow Museum moves a step closer

A proposal to carry out extensive repairs and development at the Scapa Flow Visitor Centre and Museum has taken a leap forward, with the project set to form part of the OIC’s major works from 2015/16 onwards.
Orkney Islands Council agreed recently to put aside £1.547m of council funding to include the project on its next capital programme.
The project has already secured over half a million pounds of external funding, and a further £900k of funding is also looking hopeful, with the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) confirming this week they have given initial approval to the project which includes the development of a new building alongside the pumphouse following a successful “first round” bid from the council.
The development would house more display area, a shop and café, and improved visitor facilities including fully accessible toilets. Development funding of £4k has meantime been awarded by HLF to help the council further develop the project and put together their second round application for the £900k.
Councillor Janice Annal, chairwoman of the OIC’s education, leisure and housing committee, which submitted the project for consideration, said: “I’m delighted the project has reached this stage and is to be included in the Council’s capital programme.
“Although there is some way to go before the HLF funding is confirmed, their support for the project so far is also encouraging.