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Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre residents encouraged to have say in ferry service future

MV Eynhallow has traditionally ploughed the Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre route.

People living in Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre are to be asked to help build a picture of how their ferry service is currently used — and how it might develop in future.

Orkney Islands Council have commissioned consultants Stantec and Mott MacDonald to develop a business case for a new ferry, supporting landside infrastructure and service improvements for the Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre route.

This Outline Business Case will build on earlier work — completed in 2016 — and will define a preferred future vessel(s) option and service for these communities.

This is part of a wider study considering future vessels, infrastructure and service for inter-island air and ferry services across Orkney which the council has been seeking to progress through the Scottish Government for some time.

The consultants have developed a resident survey to gather information on how the service is currently used and to gather their views about any issues or problems from it.

The survey can be completed by any Rousay, Egilsay or Wyre resident aged 16 or over and can be accessed by the following link.

Paper copies, with reply-paid envelope are available in the islands ferry terminals, or can be posted out to residents by contacting Fiona Duncan on 0131 297 7019 or Fiona.Duncan@stantec.com.