Russian naval ships pass to the east of Orkney

A group of Russian warships were being shadowed by the Royal Navy while passing to the east of Orkney yesterday.
The Ministry of Defence confirmed that the Russian vessels – which includes the Admiral Kuznetsov, a Russian aircraft carrier and flagship of the Russian Navy – was “escorted” by the Royal Navy frigate HMS Richmond, as it passed to the east of Orkney.
An MOD spokesman said he could not confirm whether the presence of the aircraft carrier was linked to Russian aircraft activity on Monday night, which led to RAF aircraft despatched to Orkney.
The MOD also confirmed that the other ships in the task group include the nuclear-powered Kirov Class battlecruiser Pyotr Velikiy and two Udaloy Class Destroyers.
The ships sailed from Russia on Saturday, October 15, believed to be en route to the Mediterranean.
The spokesman said the Russian vessels were later followed by the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Duncan, sailing out of Portsmouth.
The spokesman stressed that the Russian ships had not entered British waters.
He added: “Shadowing ships is regular business for the Navy. They provide a visible presence as they go through the North Sea. It shows we are keeping watch on them and we are ready to guard our waters.”