Sanday artist’s work on show in Tankerness House

A new exhibition at the Orkney Museum, entitled Mostly this is Where I Live, by Carolyn Dixon, opens today, Saturday.
The exhibition showcases a collection of paintings and prints, inspired by Sanday.
The artwork is a mixture of landscape paintings, prints of abandoned cottages and a set of drypoint prints that show all the milestones in Sanday with accompanying text.
Tom Muir, exhibitions officer at the Orkney Museum, said: “Carolyn’s work is superb and gives a real feel for Sanday, past and present.
“The milestone prints highlight these once important parts of transport history, as new roads were created and old ones improved, these milestones told the traveller how far it was to villages and parishes.
“They now lie hidden by the side of the road, superseded by maps and GPS.
“The paintings, in acrylic and watercolour, capture the colours and atmosphere of the landscape, while the black and white collograph prints of ruined cottages give a haunting glimpse of former family homes, now abandoned to the elements. As someone with strong Sanday roots myself, I feel that Carolyn has done her adopted island home a huge service in thinking about its past as well as the present.”
Mostly this is where I Live runs at the Orkney Museum, Tankerness House, Kirkwall from November 7 to 28.