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Schools in January – update from OIC

Orkney Islands Council is contacting families, carers and staff about current plans for opening schools in January after the festive break.

The council’s education service has put revised arrangements in place for January in line with the requirements announced at the weekend by the First Minister and further directives this week from the Scottish Government.

“We’re communicating with parents, carers and our staff so that they are aware of what will be on offer and when this will be available early in 2021,” said James Wylie, executive director of education, leisure and housing.

He added: “In tandem with this, we are making a strong case to the Scottish Government for all children and young people in Orkney to receive face-to-face, in-school learning as soon as practically possible in the New Year. Orkney continues to be in the unique position of having very few cases of Covid-19, with no new cases reported for a considerable number of weeks.

“It is our argument that nurseries and schools should be open as normal and remain so for as long as this remains safe – for the sake of academic progression, for the health and wellbeing of our young people, and for the economic prosperity of our community.

“Too many of our vulnerable children and young people continue to be seriously disadvantaged because poor or no connectivity in many parts of Orkney means they do not have access to the internet therefore to remote learning. It means they continue to miss out on so much, which is extremely unfair. Without a full return to school early in January, many working parents will also be disadvantaged by having to provide unplanned childcare.

“If we receive special permission from the Scottish Government to fully re-open as originally planned, we will notify families, carers and staff as soon as possible in January with updated information about this. Talks with the Government will resume on Monday January 5.”

Current timetable for schools opening in January 2021

Wednesday January 6
The Scottish Government has granted the council an exceptional closure day on Wednesday 6 January. All schools and nurseries will be closed to allow staff to plan and prepare for the unique arrangements they need to have in place.

Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January
On Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January, the children of key workers and vulnerable children will be offered childcare in their usual nursery or school – during the time they would normally be at nursery or school.
School transport and the School Meals Service will operate as normal from Thursday 7 January.

Monday 11 to Friday 15 January
From the 11 January, the children of key workers and vulnerable children should attend school or nursery for face-to-face learning. All other children and young people will be provided with remote learning at home.

January 18 onwards
It is hoped that from Monday 18 January, nurseries and schools will be open as usual for all children and young people.

Papdale Halls of Residence
Please note that Papdale Halls of Residence will remain closed until the Scottish Government determines that all pupils can return to school and nursery.
Halls residents eligible for childcare during the period 7 to 15 January should attend their island school.

These arrangements may change
Whilst correct at the time this update was issued, the information provided is subject to change. Please keep an eye on government announcements, the OIC Updates Facebook page and the council’s website www.orkney.gov.uk

Vulnerable children
In the case of children considered to be vulnerable, there will be no requirement for parents or carers to apply for a place at school or nursery from January 7. Schools will contact families direct on January 6 to discuss arrangements. The Scottish Government has instructed local authorities to broaden the definition of vulnerability to ensure that children experiencing any significant disadvantage which may impact negatively on future attainment are included in this group.

Key workers
In the case of key workers, the council says: “If you successfully applied, for or your child was allocated, a childcare place in one of our hubs earlier this year, then a place has been reserved for you and you need not re-apply. We would ask however that you notify your child’s school by email of the days you require childcare.”
If you are a key worker, as defined by the categories below, did not previously apply for childcare but now require it, please complete the application form www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/OIC-Childcare/ as soon as possible.

Category 1 – Health and are workers directly supporting Covid-19 response, and associated staff; health and care workers supporting life threatening emergency work, as well as critical primary and community care provision; energy suppliers; staff working in schools and nurseries.
Category 2 – All other health and care workers, and wider public sector workers providing emergency/critical welfare services (for example: fire, police, prisons, social workers), as well as those supporting our critical national infrastructure, without whom serious damage to the welfare of the people of Scotland could be caused.
Category 3 – All workers (private, public or third sector) without whom there could be a significant impact on Scotland.

Please note that you should not expect to hear whether your child has a place until Wednesday January 6.