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Serco NorthLink to abolish photo ID requirements

Serco NorthLink is dropping the requirement for ferry passengers to produce photo ID on their sailings to and from the Northern Isles.

The announcement was made by Serco NorthLink managing director Stuart Garrett, who was presenting the ferry company’s plans for continuing visitor growth at the Orkney Tourism Group’s conference in Kirkwall this morning.

He said: “Since Serco started the operation of NorthLink Ferries we have had a number of representations questioning the need for photo identification when there is no similar requirement for other ferries operating within Scotland.

“We have listened to these calls and consulted with the Scottish Government and relevant local stakeholders. As a result we no longer see a requirement for all passengers to travel with photo identification. In some cases, passengers will still need identification to pick up pre-booked or discounted tickets. I advise customers to check the terms and conditions of their booking on our website – www.northlinkferries.co.uk.”