Shared cabin assurances ‘chucked overboard’

The Scottish Government has “chucked overboard” previous commitments to protect the value of concessionary ferry vouchers on NorthLink’s Aberdeen route, according to Orkney’s MSP.
In a recent letter to Liam McArthur, the transport minister confirmed that customers with concessionary travel vouchers will have to continue to use two vouchers in order to book an individual cabin, or else make up the cost out of their own pocket.
The decision was taken earlier this year not to reintroduce the shared cabin option, which the minister, Kevin Stewart, described as “always a complex matter” given the “appropriateness of strangers sharing cabins.”
The statement reverses an earlier commitment from the minister’s predecessor, Jenny Gilruth, to speak to NorthLink about the shared cabins policy and look to “protect” the value of concessionary vouchers.
The current minister, Kevin Stewart, has now delayed any possible government intervention until a future “wider consideration of fares policy.”
For the full story, pick up next week’s edition of The Orcadian.