
Cruise Arrivals


Sky notes: eclipses & equinoxes

The lunar eclipse of 2010 December 21 imaged from Braes, Sourin, Rousay, at 07h 52m UT. Sunrise took place at 09h 02.5m UT, before the end of the eclipse. (photo: John Vetterlein)
The lunar eclipse of 2010 December 21 imaged from Braes, Sourin, Rousay, at 07h 52m UT. Sunrise took place at 09h 02.5m UT, before the end of the eclipse. (photo: John Vetterlein)

A total eclipse of the moon will take place on September 28.

Full local details for Orkney at:

and more, including EQUINOXES, at: