Special status of islands highlighted by Euro Parliament

The European Parliament today voted on a Resolution which highlights the specific features and handicaps faced by island regions, such as Orkney.
Among the aspects called for by the resolution, which covers island regions around Europe, were an increase in digital connectivity for islands, better maritime access routes and better education opportunities, if necessary through distance learning.
Speaking from Strasbourg, Alyn Smith MEP welcomed the vote.
He said:Â “Our islands are some of the bonniest spots in Scotland, but they face some of the toughest conditions in the country too, and not just thanks to the weather!
“One size does not always fit all, and this is especially the case with Europe’s islands: even just in Scotland our islands face many different challenges and are extremely diverse places, let alone if you start to consider the differences with Greek, Italian or Danish islands. This is why it is so vital that European laws reflect this diversity and make appropriate allowances for it.
“That the European Parliament so resoundingly passed this resolution is commendable, but now it is over to the European Commission to act on some of the very sensible suggestions that it incorporated in order to better help our island communities face the future and the challenges it will bring.”