Still time to cycle for Orkney

With less than three weeks to go until the ‘Cycle For Orkney’ fundraising event, organiser Steve Waterman, from the Army Reserve Centre in Kirkwall, says there is still time to enter the event.
There are four routes on the day, a family friendly 6 mile route, a 20 mile novice route and 40 and 60 mile routes for more experienced riders.
The rides are set to take place on Sunday, June 8, and already through sponsorship, there has been £1000 raised, money which will be donated to three good causes, Macmillan, Dial-a-bus, and the Fishermen’s Mission, with all money raised set to stay in Orkney.
For further information Steve can be contacted at the centre on 872622, or request a registration pack by email: . Further details can also be found on