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Stromness pier owners invited to meeting with councillor


Stromness councillor James Stockan is urging townsfolk whose property includes a pier to come along to a meeting on Monday evening.

Earlier this week, Councillor Stockan told members of the community council that the recent run of south-easterly gales has damaged a number of the town’s traditional piers.

He explained that he’d like to speak with householders to see if there was anything that could be done before any damage got worse.

“These piers are part of the heritage of Stromness, and I’d like folk to come along and discuss any damage, or problems, so we can see about acting now on smaller maintenance jobs before they become huge problems.

“The piers are so much a part of Stromness that I’m interested in seeing whether we can get a group of folk together to look at ways of dealing with damage in a co-ordinated way.”

He added: “There’s been significant damage in a few places this year, so it’s worth taking a look at what we can do. If there’s a group of people affected, it’s maybe something that, working together, we could approach somebody for help.”

The meeting, in the Warehouse Buildings, Stromness, is at 6.30pm on Monday, January 25.