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Testing launches for Westray-linked cancer gene

Community testing gets underway in Westray, this Monday, for a gene variant that causes a higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

In March, researchers from the universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh announced that a variant in the BRCA1 gene was linked to a historic origin in Westray.

Now, a small pilot trial organised by NHS Grampian and funded by the Westray Development Trust is offering testing for the variant to anyone living in Westray with a Westray-born grandparent.

Cancer charities Friends of ANCHOR and Clan cancer support are supporting the programme set up in partnership with the Westray community and GP practice. NorthLink Ferries have provided additional support by transporting the test kits to Orkney free of charge.

Westray residents with a Westray-born grandparent who wish to be tested are encouraged to pick up a self-test saliva kit, either from the Westray GP Practice or from the Westray Development Trust office.

Information about the test and what it could mean is available in the test kit and online.