Tourism body begins search for new chief executive

Destination Orkney — the dynamic partnership body aimed at boosting Orkney’s burgeoning tourism industry — is searching for a new chief executive following Kate Lewington’s departure.
Ms Lewington resigned on Monday after less than seven months in the post.
Destination Orkney chair Gareth Crichton said: “We will seek to ensure as far as possible a seamless transition and to continue the work Kate has commenced on the refreshed Orkney tourism strategy and new destination management and associated marketing plans.”
The principal partners in the group are Destination Orkney (formerly Orkney Tourism Group), Orkney Islands Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, VisitScotland, Historic Environment Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.
Destination Orkney are responsible for the delivery of an action plan focused on achieving the 2025 vision for tourism in Orkney, seeking to make a step change in destination marketing and management, and responsibly growing tourism spend in the islands from £31 million to £40 million.