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Transmission charges must be lowered to meet renewables targets – McArthur

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur used a debate in Parliament on Wednesday to highlight the obstacles faced by renewable energy developers in Orkney as a result of high transmission charges.

Mr McArthur suggested that unless action is taken to bring these charges more in line with those for developments on the mainland, not only will Scotland and the UK struggle to meet their renewables targets, but the Orkney economy will be denied an opportunity to benefit from vital jobs and wealth creation.

Speaking afterwards, Mr McArthur said: “Orkney is ideally-placed to lead the world in the development of wave and tidal energy.  We have some of the best natural resources anywhere and the skills to help harness these.

“It is not surprising, therefore, that over recent years we have seen the marine renewables sector take giant leaps forward.  This was epitomised last week by the announcement of funding that will allow locally-based firm Scotrenewables to continue to the next phase in development of its tidal device.

“However, this progress only makes the need to address the current system of transmission charging more urgent.  Failure to do so could leave developments in the waters around Orkney at a competitive disadvantage, stalling the momentum that has been created.

“This would undermine the ability of Scotland and the UK to achieve their overall renewables targets.  It would also jeopardise Orkney’s chances of capitalising on the jobs and wealth creation opportunities this industry could bring.”