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Two cases of e.coli confirmed

NHS Orkney has confirmed two cases of e.coli O157 in the county.

One Orkney resident is being treated in hospital and the other confirmed case is a household contact of this case and not currently displaying symptoms. A third, suspected, case is being investigated and this case is at home.

In a statement this morning, NHS Orkney confirmed that all these cases are children who attend the same nursery in Kirkwall but stressed that there is no “strong evidence” to suggest transmission took place at the nursery.  As a precaution, however, NHS Orkney, in partnership with OIC environmental health officers and Health Protection Scotland, has decided to screen children and staff and they are in contact with the nursery concerned.

Dr Louise Wilson, director of public health, said, “It must be stressed that this is purely a precautionary measure. We understand that parents of children who attend this nursery will be concerned and we want to set their minds at rest. Parents will be contacted directly by the nursery − if you are not contacted you do not need to take any action. As ever, anyone with health concerns should contact a health professional.”