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VAO awarded £13,500 to continue befriending service

VAO WEBVoluntary Action Orkney has been awarded £13,500 for two years by the Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland’s Partnership Drugs Initiative.  The grant will enable the charity to continue the Young Person’s Befriending Service that has been operating since 2007.

The service will be able to continue to work closely with local health and social work services and schools to support up to 20 young people. The aim is to help improve the impact of alcohol and substance misuse on children and young people.

Volunteer Befrienders will be able to continue to offer a positive adult role model for children and young people helping them to experience new opportunities, increase their confidence and self-esteem. The funding will be spent on staffing and project running costs.

Welcoming the announcement, Orkney MSP Liam McArthur said: “Voluntary Action Orkney has an excellent track record in working with vulnerable children and young people in challenging circumstances. This project will make a big difference for those in Orkney going through key transitions in their life.

“Befriending offers a positive relationship and helps increase self-confidence amongst children and young people.

“This grant from Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland’s Partnership Drugs Initiative is certainly welcome news and will help make a real difference and allow more children and young people in Orkney to reach their full potential.”