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Views sought on Stromness pool

Orkney Islands Council is seeking public views on the current opening times for the Stromness Swimming Pool and Fitness Suite.

The swimming pool currently provides a range of public sessions, as well as school and swimming club sessions. It also has a fully equipped gym and a health suite which are available for public use.

The council’s sports and leisure team leader, Gordon Hill, said: “The Stromness Swimming Pool has had the same opening times for many years now. In this time we have seen a big growth in demand for swimming lessons and this has had an impact on time available for other sessions.

“We have some of our own ideas as to the times at which we could offer other sessions but we would also like to ask current and potential users what suggestions they may have.

“Once we have gathered these views we will be able to review our timetable taking the results of the consultation into consideration”.
An online survey is available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Stromnesspool

Paper copies are also available in Stromness at the swimming pool, the library, the community centre and the doctor’s surgery.