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Virtual House of Commons procedure welcomed

Alistair Carmichael MP

MP for Orkney and Shetland Alistair Carmichael has welcomed the announcement that representatives are to be able to quiz ministers virtually.

The move, which is the first of its kind in the House of Commons’ 700-year history,has been agreed upon by the House of Commons authorities.

Approval has been given to allow up to 120 MPs at any one time to take part in proceedings virtually, while around 50 could remain in the chamber under social distancing rules.

There is an expectation that fewer MPs will be present in the Chamber as many will have difficulties getting to parliament. MPs are being encouraged to work virtually, especially as any MP in the Chamber will be treated the same as one appearing virtually and would only be called to speak if listed.

The step towards a ‘hybrid’ House was taken by the House of Commons Commission in a bid to keep democracy going during the coronavirus crisis.

The historic measures will still need the approval of MPs when they return from Easter recess on April 21.

The hybrid model was developed at speed and chosen as an achievable first step towards a virtual Parliament – having the benefit of meeting current technological capacity.

Orkney and Shetland MP, Alistair Carmichael said: “A hybrid parliament like this is better than no parliament at all. This can only be an interim measure however, on the way to a wholly virtual parliament.

“I will keep working with the government and all parties to ensure that all parts of the United Kingdom are given a voice and that all political views are heard.”