
Cruise Arrivals

breaking news

Visitors levy webpage launched

In this week’s edition of The Orcadian we report on the possibility of Orkney introducing a visitors levy.

The proposals would see accommodation providers tasked with the collection of the levy from those staying overnight in the county.

Now the Orkney Islands Council (OIC) have set up a webpage dedicated to the proposals.

It contains key information about the legislation, the process so far, next steps, a number of frequently asked questions and links to related external sites.

OIC’s sustainable tourism team manager, Christie Hartley, said: “Over the coming months we will be keen to engage with as many people and organisations as possible around the possibility of a visitor levy within Orkney, and the launch of the dedicated web page is a key part of this process.

“We would encourage people to have a look as it contains information that we know at this stage.”

The page can be found at:
