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Vote for new KGS house names under way

The entrance and reception area of the new KGS. (www.theorcadianphotos.co.uk)

As part of the ongoing restructure of the guidance system at Kirkwall Grammar School, the school is moving from the current six houses to three new houses.

This means that KGS will be saying goodbye to the familiar local beach names for the houses and choosing three new names.

Pupils and staff have chosen three themes to take forward for the next round of voting — Norse gods/Norse names, uninhabited islands and Orkney wildlife.

Parents are being encouraged to vote online for their favourite of the three themes via the following link to the school website: http://www.kgsorkney.com/guidance-restructuring.html

All staff and pupils will cast their vote in a paper ballot in school on Friday, February 26. Online voting closes on the same day. Voting slips and a poll box are also available at reception at the school.

Once the theme is chosen, pupils will be able to nominate names. The final names will be chosen before the Easter holidays.