Youth Work fund for local groups reopens

The CashBack for Communities youth work fund has reopened and is accepting applications from groups in Orkney.
CashBack for Communities is the Scottish Government’s scheme for reinvesting the proceeds of crime back into communities to benefit Scotland’s young people. It aims to support projects that reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
The fund has £13,796 still available for Orkney groups that meet the following criteria:
- Be delivered between the 1 July 2016 and 31 March 2017
- Target young people aged 10 – 19 years
- Offer free youth work activities for young people to increase the opportunities they have to develop their interests and skills in an enjoyable, fulfilling and supported way
- Focus resources in areas where there is a demonstrated need, taking account of local priorities
- Fill gaps in provision for young people or add value/build on existing provision
- Support young people who are currently involved or at risk of becoming involved in violence, alcohol, drugs and/or anti-social behaviour
- Promote equalities and be open and accessible to young people
- Support and encourage the involvement of local young people in the development, management and running of the project
- Demonstrate sustainability (whether in attracting other resources or in leaving a legacy
The OIC’s community learning officer, Bill Innes, said: “We still have almost £14,000 of funding that can be used for young people within our communities so we hope that local groups will get their applications in by the deadline to make use of this financial support.
“Successful recipients in the recent past have been the Youth Café and the Council’s Community Learning Service. Funds have also been used to cover costs of Chamber debate, Orkney Youth Work Awards and activities at the Youth Café.”
The closing date for applications is Friday, May 13, at noon.
Click here for more details.