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Action needed for fairer delivery charges, says McArthur

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has written to both UK and Scottish ministers, highlighting concerns about high delivery charges and related difficulties faced by those living in Orkney.

The issues have been identified in a Citizens Advice Scotland report on delivery charges in rural and remote areas.

Mr McArthur said: “It was no real surprise to find that Orkney residents made up ten per cent of the total respondents to the CAS survey, given the problems people in the islands have experienced with the delivery of online purchases.

“The details underlying the responses are interesting.  Not only are Orcadians frequently being charged extra simply for living on an island, but over a quarter of respondents said that they had been refused delivery altogether.   This is simply unacceptable, and it is something that I have urged Norman Lamb, the UK minister, to look at more fully.”