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Additional farmers’ markets on the way . . .

As a direct result of the public consultation carried out earlier in the year, the Orkney Farmers’ Market Association will be offering more markets during May, June and July this year.

Market secretary Clive Horton explained: “As well as our regular last Saturday of each month market we’re responding to requests in the market survey from members of the public for more frequent markets in the summer months by putting on additional markets in May, June and July, by having markets on the second Saturday as well as the fourth each month.”

He added: “Another request by the public in the survey was for some of the markets to be held at venues outside of Kirkwall, so now we’re asking for the public’s help to identify potential market venues. The site would need to be able to accommodate up to 20 stalls.”

If you have any suggestions then please get in touch with the secretary Clive Horton at cshorton23@btinternet.com, through the Farmers’ Market Facebook page or via www.orkneyfarmersmarket.weebly.com.