ADS cuts highlighted by MSP

Figures revealed in answers to parliamentary questions lodged by Orkney’s MSP Liam McArthur show the extent to which Scottish Government cuts to the Air Discount Scheme have impacted on the support available to small businesses in the islands, according to the MSP.
Commenting on the figures, Mr McArthur said: “In 2010, the Air Discount Scheme reduced the cost of over 185,000 flights to and from our islands. The following year, the SNP government chose to cut all business-related journeys from the scheme.
“It is no surprise then to find that over 60,000 fewer journeys benefited from the scheme this year compared to 2010. That means increased costs for small businesses in Orkney, just when they can ill-afford the additional burden.
“My colleague, Tavish Scott introduced ADS in 2006 when he was Transport Minister. At the time, he made very clear that this was a response to the disadvantage faced by those living and working in our island communities as a result of the high cost of accessing lifeline air services.
“Without any prior warning or consultation, however, SNP Ministers decided to remove this support from small businesses in Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles. Attempts to blame the European Commission were a smokescreen, as it was Scottish Ministers who requested a change in the scheme to allow cuts to be made.
“Businesses in Orkney know only too well the effect this has had in pushing up their costs, or reducing opportunities to attend events and meetings down south. What the figures I have now received from the Scottish Government reveal is the true extent of the cuts and the reduction in support available.”