
Cruise Arrivals


ADVERTORIAL — Construction firm paving the way to easing housing shortage

Buyers have found it difficult in recent years to get their foot on the property market — but new homes in Kirkwall are available at fixed prices.

A number of new affordable homes designed to ease the housing shortage in Orkney are now on the market.

Recognising the difficulties that the Orcadian housing market has presented to buyers locally in recent years, Orkney Builders (Contractors) Ltd has taken a proactive approach, developing new energy-efficient homes at three sites, two in Kirkwall and one in Stromness.

With a clear focus and vision of providing state-of-the-art housing to meet the current high levels of demand, Orkney Builders is playing a crucial role in allowing people to realise their dream of owning their own home, which are available at fixed prices to purchasers who meet the required priority criteria.

Find out more about the homes and read more from a recent buyer in a special two-page spread in The Orcadian.