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Age limit for employment scheme extended

An employment scheme which has helped create 35 jobs in Orkney for young people aged 16-24 since June last year has now been extended to include those aged 25-29.

The Youth Employment Scotland, or ‘YES’ scheme provides funding to businesses, via their local Councils, to help support the creation of new jobs for young people.

The scheme provides a 50 per cent funding incentive for local companies who commit to providing a new post (of 25-40 hours a week) to an unemployed young person (16 – 29) for at least six months.

Jobs supported locally so far through the scheme are wide ranging including plumbing, building, laboratory, farming, hospitality and retail work.

The OIC’s head of leisure and lifelong learning, Karen Greaves, said: “The new upper age limit of 29 is great news for young people and businesses alike as it unlocks so much more potential in Orkney.

“There might be some young people who have had a few years work experience now, but want to try their hand at something new, and this new extension could help support that.

“Feedback we’ve had from employers indicates that the scheme is an excellent means of testing the waters to grow your business – while also giving a young person a helping hand into paid work.

“We’d urge any young person in the relevant age group interested in the scheme, and any business considering creating a new job, to contact the local Job Centre.”