Liners arrive with over 7,000 visitors

Motorists are being urged to be aware of road closures in Kirkwall today, Saturday, as over 7,000 passengers from three visiting liners come ashore.
The MSC Magnifica and the Nautica are tied up alongside Hatston Pier, while the Ruby Princess is at anchor in Kirkwall Bay.
Between 10am and 4pm on Saturday, Bridge Street, Albert Street, Broad Street and a section of Castle Street will be closed to all vehicles. The zebra crossings on Junction Road and Shore Street will also have crossing attendants.
Chief Inspector Les Donaldson, Area Commander for Orkney for Police Scotland, said: “The measures being put in place are necessary to keep people safe.
“With many visitors on the streets, we’d ask drivers to be especially vigilant and to be on the lookout in case people suddenly step into the roadway in front of them.”
Councillor Bill Stout, chairman of the Kirkwall Business Improvement District (BID), added: “Businesses are gearing up for perhaps the busiest day we’ve seen in the town.
“Some will be opening early in time to greet the first visitors – and all will be doing their utmost to give the many people we’re expecting a good, positive experience during their time in Kirkwall.”