Attention set to switch to Orkney 2025 as Guernsey Games set to close

As the Island Games comes to a close in Guernsey, the focus will turn to Orkney, who will officially take on the baton of hosting the multi-sport spectacle in two years time.
The closing ceremony of the Guernsey Games will see the chairman of Orkney 2025, Gordon Deans, handed the Games’ ceremonial flag, which will next be raised at the opening ceremony of the Orkney Games.
The focus will then be on Orkney as it prepares to host the biennial Games, which will be the biggest ever event to be held in the islands.
The low-key closing ceremony is set to get under way at 8pm.
Read more about the closing ceremony and how Orkney 2025 has been learning from Guernsey over the course of the Games in The Orcadian next week.