Balfour ward closed due to COVID cluster

A ward at The Balfour has been closed as the result of a “COVID cluster”, NHS Orkney has confirmed.
Sharing the news that Inpatients Two has been forced to closed, an NHS Orkney spokeswoman said: “At present, no patients are giving us any sign of concern.
“Additional control measures are in place in line with the current COVID guidelines.
“Visiting will be restricted and discussions are ongoing with visitors of patients who will be affected.”
NHS Orkney has asked that anyone visiting the Balfour, for any reason, to use a face mask as provided at all entrances for the duration of the visit. Visitors have also been reminded to use hand sanitiser provided across the hospital.
The spokeswoman added: “As we continue through the winter months, respiratory illnesses will increase. Please
continue to be mindful of visiting friends, family and places of work if you are unwell.
“Regular hand washing and hand sanitising is crucial, if you sneeze or cough, please wash your
hands afterwards and dispose of any tissues properly in a nearby bin.”