Monday, March 17
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay
Cloudy Icon
Chance of rain icon4%
Wind speed icon9 mph
Wind direction iconSSE
Wind gusts icon13 mph
w-clear-day Icon8°CTue
w-partly-cloudy-day Icon8°CWed
w-cloudy Icon8°CThu
w-cloudy Icon9°CFri

Cruise Arrivals


Barrier webcam goes live

To help plan journeys to and from the linked south isles in bad weather, internet users will now be able to check the state of sea conditions and the status of the road at the second barrier, with a webcam set to go live  this evening.

The webcam, which will go live at 6pm today, can be accessed at and will initially be available, around the clock, for a period of three months.

Organisers have chosen tonight as an appropriate time for the webcam to start streaming live, as a south-easterly wind is expected to rise overnight.