
Cruise Arrivals


Breastfeeding cafe initiative gets under way

An initiative to promote breastfeeding in public areas will be launched on Monday.

The breastfeeding cafe programme is the first of its type in Orkney and is the start of a mother-to-mother support scheme.

At the helm is midwife Cara Stephen, who explained: “Breastfeeding rates are initially high once a baby arrives, but slowly tail off as the baby gets older.  This can be due to a number of reasons and feedback I received from new mums is that ongoing peer support would be appreciated, to help them enhance their experiences of feeding in public.

“In response to mums’ needs, senior charge midwife Pam Halliday secured funding through Orkney Islands Council’s childcare partnership to establish this peer support group. Up to ten local mums will be trained by our local UNICEF accredited trainer Lynn Causer, of NHS Orkney, to establish a network of peer supporters who will be on call for local mothers.”

To start the initiative, a series of breastfeeding cafes are being set up in Kirkwall and Stromness, with the first one taking place on Monday afternoon in the Willows Coffee Shop.

Cara added: “These types of cafés are common in other parts of Scotland and we would like to see as many mums as possible come along. You do not have to be a new mum, just currently breastfeeding.

“We hope that joining other mums in this relaxed, social environment will help encourage and give confidence to breastfeed in public.”