Businesses advised to update computers

Businesses across Scotland are being urged to make necessary updates to their IT systems, in order to prevent the spread of ransomware.
This advice follows the recent attack, WannaCry, which affected NHS computers throughout the UK.
According to Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC), the ransomware took hold because routine software updates were ignored or put off.
The cyber security team at SBRC is now calling on firms of all sizes to use the WannaCry attack as a wake-up call.
“Thousands of computers were infected with the ransomware – and it was able to have such an impact because routine preventative measures had not been taken,” explained Gerry Grant, an ethical hacker at the centre.
“It can be too easy to put this off and click the ‘remind me tomorrow’ option. Unfortunately it can take a highly publicised attack such as this to affect behaviour.”
Further information on how to keep your business safe online can be found on the SRBC website.