Call for quality checklist to be implemented

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur, has called on NHS Orkney to implement Prostate Cancer UK’s quality checklist as a first step towards delivering the best possible care and support for men with the disease.
Prostate Cancer UK has produced the quality checklist to be used as a best practice guide for men and clinicians in a bid to drive up standards and deliver more uniform levels of care and support.
The checklist sets out 15 standards for care and support that men with prostate cancer should expect and demand on the NHS, from their point of diagnosis onwards.
The document has been endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of General Practitioners, the British Association of Urological Nurses, the British Uro-oncology Group and the Society and College of Radiographers.
Prostate Cancer UK, and a cross party alliance of MSPs, are calling on all Scottish health boards to back the document and ensure it is distributed to all men who are diagnosed with the disease.