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CAP application window extended

The Scottish Government has agreed to extend the application window for applying for CAP support schemes from May 16 to June 15.

While an extension has been granted, the National Farmers Union in Scotland (NFUS) is urging all members who currently have all the information necessary to complete their forms not to delay and press ahead with finalising their claim.

The farmers’ union requested an extension after feedback from members indicated that many can’t submit their 2016 claim because they have not received the necessary, updated maps from the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Government has said it expects to receive around 21,000 Single Application Forms and, for the vast majority of customers, there is nothing to delay submission this year. It said, however, that a small number of farmers — around 1,300 — who were subject to land inspections, have not yet been provided with fully updated mapping data on which to base their 2016 claim.