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Carmichael: DEFRA minister must guarantee no duplicate UK tests on animals post-Brexit

Orkney and Shetland MP Alistair Carmichael MP.

Alistair Carmichael has signed an open letter to Dr Thérèse Coffey MP, minister for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), demanding the government rule out duplicate chemical tests on animals that may happen as a result of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union (EU).

The animal protection organisation Cruelty Free International has repeatedly voiced concerns that both a no-deal Brexit or new UK chemical testing laws could result in chemicals companies having to repeat tests already carried out on animals under EU REACH (registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals) rules.

Mr. Carmichael said: “Animal testing is bad enough, but the risk that we will have to duplicate testing of every chemical on animals is cruel and inhumane. The government can, and must, do more to prevent this, and the cross-party group of 12 MPs joined me in demanding the government rule it out. The minister has been slow to respond so far, but the risk of this unnecessary animal cruelty is too great to ignore. She must take action.”

Kerry Postlewhite, director of public affairs for Cruelty Free International, added: “We thank all the MPs for reinforcing our concerns about the very real risk of duplicate chemical tests on animals. Industry, politicians and the public have all made it clear that this should not be allowed to happen, but so far, the Government’s response has been very disappointing. We hope this time that change and a commitment will be forthcoming.”